Substantive Energy Capabilities
PowerUp Legal Attorneys can do everything energy! Collectively, PowerUp Legal attorneys can address a vast range of electric and gas matters at both the state and federal level. On the electric side, PowerUp Legal attorneys are well versed in issues arising under the Federal Power Act and PURPA (and their state statutory counterparts) including merger, sale and acquisition of jurisdictional assets under Section 203, rate, tariff and contract reviews under Sections 205 and 206 of the FPA, matters related to qualifying facilities and avoided costs and are familiar with NERC reliability standards and issues related to participation in RTO/ISO markets. On the gas side, PowerUp Legal attorneys have been involved in wide range of matters under the Natural Gas Act, including rate proceedings, tariff filings, complaints and siting. We recommend that you review the PowerUp Legal attorneys’ individual bios on the website to gain a better understanding of the scope of their energy competencies.
Regulatory Proceedings & Compliance
Staying abreast of ever-changing energy regulatory policy at the federal and state level (often, multiple states), tracking and participating in proceedings and ensuring compliance are time-consuming and costly matters for most utilities and energy companies. That’s where PowerUp Legal can deliver value. Not only do PowerUp Legal attorneys have extensive experience in dealing with regulatory issues, but through lengthy careers and involvement in the industry, they intimately understand the workings of many regulatory agencies. Examples of regulatory matters that PowerUp Legal attorneys can handle include: rulemaking proceedings (either monitoring or drafting and summarizing comments), participate in working group at agencies and ISO/RTOs, rate filings, motions to intervene and complaints, dispute resolution proceedings, enforcement issues, preparation of compliance manuals and policies and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and state public information act requests.